Wednesday, November 08, 2006

George Washington's Letters

This is an assignment adapted from an assignment posted by the Library of Congress. Painting at left: "George Washington at Princeton" by Charles Wilson Peale (

Group scribes: Please post the answers to your group's questions. It would be best to do this in paragraph form, but you could also cut and paste the questions below and then answer them.

Other class members: Please read through the group answers. Then compose a one-paragraph comment responding to the following prompt:

In his letters and in his Farewell Address, George Washington gave Americans advice about the future direction of our country. Pick one piece of advice and explain Washington's position. Then evaluate that advice. Was it good advice? Is it practical advice? Is it advice that we could follow today? Why or why not? Explain your answer with at least one reference to the issues and political situation of our country today.

Write complete sentences--no IM-speak.

Letter Questions
Set one:
How is the American nation guided by divine providence?
According to Washington, why is the United States unique among nations of the world?
How does government best serve the interests of the people?
What are the feelings of Southerners toward the national government? According to Washington, what factors are responsible for these attitudes?
What concerns does Washington express regarding future adherence to the excise tax on whiskey?

Set two:
According to Washington, should differences of opinion be put aside in the interest of unity?
How do political factors obstruct the functions of government?
Why does Washington feel that the nation will be torn asunder by political factions?
According to Washington, what role have gazettes (newspapers) played in promoting discord?
What is the tone of Washington's letter to Jefferson?

Set three:
Why does Washington believe it is important for the government to act?
According to Washington, what are the consequences of taking no action?
What is Washington referring to when he says "we may bid adieu to all government in this Country, except Mob and Club Govt."?
In Washington's view, once a law is passed by the Congress what is the responsibility of citizens? According to Washington, to what extent was Citizen Edmund Genet, the French ambassador, responsible for the discontent in western Pennsylvania?

Set four:
Why is Washington concerned over the outbreak of war in Europe?
Why does Washington believe there is a need for immediate action?
Why did Washington feel neutrality was the wisest course of action?
According to Washington, was the Proclamation of Neutrality a violation of the Franco-American alliance?
Why would Washington advise the nation to "steer clear of permanent alliances?" In your opinion, was this good advice in the 1790s? Would you consider it a wise policy in today's world? Explain.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gabi Jasinski, Michael Lanigan, Nicole Sandoval, Emily Pergande, Anthony Donati

Question Set One
1. How is the American nation guided by divine providence? Washington said that there is an Almighty Being who rules over the Universe, who presides in the Counsils of Nations, and whose providential aids can supply every human defect, that his benediction may consecrate to the liberties and happiness of the People of the United States.

2. According to Washington, why is the United States unique among nations of the world? No people can be bound to acknowledge and adore the invisible hand, which conducts the affairs of men more than the people of the United States.

3. How does the government best serve the interests of the people? The government has honest and magnaminous policy, solid rewards of public prosperity and felicity. There is an indissolable union between virtue and happiness.

4. What are the feelings of Southerners toward the national government? According to Washington, what factors are responsible for these attitudes? The counrty is improving in state and industry. Tranquility is among the people. They feel the good effects of equal laws and equal protection.

5. What concerns does Washington express regarding future adherence to the excise tax on whiskey? Washington feels that the taxes on whiskey will over run on just whiskey and soon everything that has a large demand is going to have and unaffordable tax on it.

4:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alex Marich, Megan Murphy, Jake Kopcyzk, Carolyn Burhmaster, and Marcel

Question Set 2

1) According to Washington, should differences of opinion be put aside in the interest of unity? Washington believed that political opinions were unavoidable and necessary.

2) How do political factors obstruct the functions of government? Political parties affect government because they can tear it up.

3) Why does Washington feel that the nation will be torn asunder by political factions? Political parties denounce others, which ends up just being a consequence of opinions.

4) According to Washington, what role have gazettes (newspapers) played in promoting discord? Gazettes contain political opinions which can cause political parties to dislike each other.

5) What is the tone of Washington's letter to Jefferson? In Washington's letter, Washington is very upset with Jefferson for denouncing Washington under a dangerous influence.

7:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Niko Gomez, Amy Restko, Becky Moore, Meghan Cronin, and Tom Boyle. Answers to Question Set 2.

According to Washington, should differeneces of opinion be put aside in the interest of unity?
He says yes, because tempers can flare if someone's opinion varies from another and in interest of joinging together this ultimately won't help to unify them.

How do political factors obsruct the funtions of government? Political factors obsruct the functions of government because they are running against eachother to get to a point of running with one another so the factors of these don't really make sense to what their goal really is.

Why does Washington feel that the nation will be torn asunder by politcal factions? This affects the government because if there are two different political parties, fights may break out and there would be dispute between the government.

According to Washington, what role have gazettes (newspapers) played in promoting discord? This weakens the confidence of the people and mutilates things that are true.

What is the tone of Washington's letter to Jefferson? He is frustrated with government and how it is basically a corrupt society not focusing on unifying eachother.

12:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nicole Deneberg, Simon Du, Michael Rocus, Spencer Thompson.

Question Set 4

Why is washington concerned over the outbreak of war in Europe?

He is afraid that the U.S. might get involved and have to pick sides between Britain and France, both which were export and import partners with the United States.

Why does Washington believe there is a need for immediate action?

Washington fears america will become entangled in the war and lose their strict belief in neutrality.

Why did Washington feel neutrality was the wisest course of action?

Some american wanted to fight with their previous ally france, while others still felt a bond with Britian. washington also did not want to endanger any trade agreements, since the weak american economy depended on them.

According to washington, was the Proclamation of Neutrality a violation of the Franco- American alliance?

Yes, it conflicted with the treaty, but was necessary to maintain neutrality.

Why would Washington advise the nation to "steer clear of permanent alliances"? In your opinion, was this good advice in the 1790's? Would you consider it a wise policy in today's world? Explain.

Washington strongly believed that any permanent alliance would only bring war on this newly formed nation. In the group' opinion, this was wise advise for the time, since the new government and economy could not take another war. However, in the modern world, we believe that an alliance could also bring peace and a stronger economy.

2:23 PM  
Blogger tom.boyle said...

Tom Boyle

I think that the worst advice that Washington left was that we should not deal with foreign affairs. It was maybe right for the times, but I think now it would be hard not to be involved in foreign affairs. Dealing with foreign affairs establishes our name as a dominate power in our world today. Without foreign countries, how would we have been able to set up early trade routes to get supplies that were needed to foght wars and to even survive. That is why I think that the worst advice Washington left us was not to deal with foreign affairs.

3:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The advice that i think was the most interesting was when George Washington said to beware of political parties and newspapers. I think that this advice is very good. It warns the people of the United States that political parties will divide their newly united nation. This advice is very practical and can relate to our coutry's situation, especially after the previous elections. Now that we, the United States, have a republican president and the majority of our congress is democrat, our nation would benefit by listening to our first president.

4:40 PM  
Blogger Two teachers said...

I just reset the blog settings so that I approve the postings before they are posted. Sorry if you are anxious and want to see it on the blog. I will check regularly to keep things moving.

5:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Storm Saponaro -Question Set 3 #3
What is Washington referring to when he says "we may bid adieu to all government in this Country, except Mob and Club Govt."?
Washington is telling us that we need to overturn the laws and subvert the Constitution. If we do not do this the Government that we have worked to establish will perish and lose all control. The only things that will survive are Club Govt. and the Mob. If these groups take over control of the country, nothing but anarchy and confusion will arise. There would no longer be any security for life, liberty, or property. People will no longer know how to conduct themselves in public.
In the letter to Alexander Hamilton, Washington was telling him to overturn the laws. Washington stated that the Government should no longer be a passive spectator. I think that this is good advice. It is very important for the Government to stand up for important issues that affect the people. We can still use this advice to this day. When something is occurring within the country the Government needs to help its people, they cannot just stand aside and watch. When there is a disaster within the country, like September 11, it is important for the matter to be dealt with. Washington said that we cannot stand aside. As a country we need to do everything in our power to help others.

6:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the most intersting piece of information George Washington left was to stay neutral in other countries' affairs. As a newly formed country this was a smart decision because they were not able to protect themselves let alone other people. In the present time, the United States is looked up to as a role model and has a reputation of protecting countries who are not able to protect themselves.

7:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim Carney - Question set 3 #1
Why does Washington Believe it is important for the Government to Act?
Washington states that it is important to act because if the government wants to be taken seriously they must change from being a passive spectator. By changing the way in which the government acts Washington wants to make sure that that law is followed. If the law is not followed Washington believed it was his duty to punish those who did not. We see this in history with the Whiskey Rebellion Washington sends 15,000 soldiers to stop the Rebellion.

4:56 PM  
Blogger emily guzman said...

Emily Guzman, Storm Saponaro, Jim Carney, Sam Peterlin

Question Set 3

The government is tired of being a passive spectator, and in order to change that they have to take action. Washington believed it was his duty to enforce teh law. He also believes if the government did not take action, there would be an end to all government in the country. There would be no security for life, liberty, or property if there are no laws and men will not know how to conduct themselves. When Washington says, "we may bid adieu to all government in this country, except Mob and Club Govt," he is telling the people that they need to overturn the laws and to subvert the constitution. If we do not, Mob and Club government groups will control the country. If that was to happen, anarchy and confusion would arise and all that America has worked for will be lost. Once a law is passed by the Congress, it is the responsibility of citizens to know the law and to ask about any laws they do not understand. Washington believes Citizen Edmund Genet, the French ambassador, would destroy the best known government known to man kind.

6:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought that Washington's advice about involvement with foreign affairs was very interesting. Washington told the political leaders of the United States to beware of foreign affairs and to try to not be involved in them. This was important to the people at the time because many of the European countries were either at war or were in some sort of disagreement. This advice may have been good for a while, but the United States needed to be involved with other countries in order to make a name as an independent country.

3:44 PM  
Blogger mklein said...

Michael Klein

I thought that Washington's advice to stay neutral was interesting to say because most of America's economy was based on trade at the time. In the early 1800s, if the U.S formed treaties with other countries, they might have ensured a long-term trade agreement with that country. I wouldn't say that the advice was horrible, but I don't think it was good advice. I think it was practical advice because, at the time, Europe was constantly breaking out in war. I don't think we could use the advice today because alliances help us.

5:22 PM  
Blogger mklein said...

Michael Klein

I thought that Washington's advice to stay neutral was interesting to say because most of America's economy was based on trade at the time. In the early 1800s, if the U.S formed treaties with other countries, they might have ensured a long-term trade agreement with that country. I wouldn't say that the advice was horrible, but I don't think it was good advice. I think it was practical advice because, at the time, Europe was constantly breaking out in war. I don't think we could use the advice today because alliances help us.

5:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carolyn Buhrmaster
One piece of advice that George Washington gave to the nation was to watch out for political parties. He thought and warned that they would divide the nation and destroy the government. This advice was very good because it actually was very true. The North and South were different in many ways. The conservative North was Federalists and they were very liberal. On the other hand, the South was very agricultural and they were Republicans. The different concerns of the North and South were very clear because of their different economies, industrial and agricultural. This advice was also very practical because the nation did divide themselves over many issues. I think that this advice still applies to our nation today because on general the Republicans oppose same sex marriage and abortion and in general Democrats favor same sex marriage and abortion.

5:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In his letters and in his Farewell Address Washington suggests that America should have political contract with other countries but should try to stay neutral in foreign affairs. I think this is good, but not necessarily practical advice. It is good advice because ideally it would be easier to only be politically involved in your own country and its foreign affairs, but this is not pratical. I dont think this advice is practical because with all the things going on today it is hard to stay neutral especially in situations where a country needs help or protection. Currently we are in Iraq trying to help improve their nation and rid them from ruthless rulers which as a country we believe is necessary and our obligation. While Washington's advice was legit and maybe practical for the time it was written, things have changed and our leaders have made decisions about foreign affairs which vary from this advice and which they believe is our duty as a country.

7:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

eileen o'donoghue, sal salvato, Shaka McKelphin, Alexandrea Munoz, Paul Lougee

Questions: set one

1. God helps make up for the personal flaws that every person has, and by doing this he helps us act out our liberties which makes the people happy and allows the United States to run properly.

2. It is because they have two sides of government. One side has no bias and helps watch over the nation while the other side is the foundation of the national policy.

3. Government gives the people oppurtunities for deliberating in perfect tranquility. It does this by allowing the people to have an opinion on what form of government they want.

4. Some laws cannot be passed in southern states because of their attitudes towards creating laws to govern them.

5. Washington's feelings towards future adherence to excise tax on whiskey is that it will be hard to follow, but he has travelled around the new country and believes people's patriotism towards their country will help them follow the new taxes.

7:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nicole Denenberg

After reviewing Washington's letter, i have concluded that Washington's advice was very wise.Washington wanted to maintain strict neutrality between the United States and France and Great Britain. The United States is divided, many wanting America to be on Great Britain's side, while others said we should take part with France. Washington is afraid this difference of opinion will reach the states and will destory the confidence of Americans and will hurt the unity that the United States is trying to build. Interfering in the fight in the conflict between Great Britain and France would only jeopardize the Growth of the United States. Washington's advice is very practical concerning issues and political situations of our country today. America would not be at war right now if we had maintained neutrality.

8:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also think that Washington's advice for foreign affairs is interesting. The advice worked for a little while but soon we would need to gain allies. Without allies, the United States would not have access to many trade routes, past and present. If the nation had listened to his advice, we would not be as powerful as we are today, we gained some of our power by goining into wars, like World War II. Going into foreign affairs is in fact a good thing now, but not in Washington's days.

8:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Question set 3 #2

The implications of Washington's advice are rather interesting in this instance. He argues that without action, the nation would fall into an anarchic state; therefore, the exercising and enforcement of laws is important for the maintaining of order in a nation. Washington's advice is proper and good. Without such enforcement, the nation would dissolve into a chaotic and unrecognizable shell of its former self. However, he neglects to mention that creating too many laws and the abusive enforcement and use of said laws can lead to chaos just as well as not using them can (in the form of riots and protests on the part of the populace). Therefore, it is upon the shoulders of our nation's leaders to properly decide to what extent laws are to be enforced, and how to go about doing so without angering those they are sworn to represent.

8:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sean O'Brien

I think that the best advice that Washington left was to have one political party for presidnency so we can avoid, "political anomosities." I think that this was good advice because in today's elections there is too much hype over two parties battling for more positions than the the other in the House, Senate, and the Presidency. The parties seem to be fighting more for themselves than for the people they represent, especially in race of presidency.

6:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


In President George Washington’s Farewell Address he advises us to limit central government’s power. This was good advice because it informed the American people to limit the power of the Federal government. Washington’s position was difficult because he was the first president and the people of our new nation were accustom to this form of purely democratic government. Washington had the foresight to understand that since he was the first President his every move was going to be an historic one. Since we are use to a Democratic form of government people today would not need to be given this advice. Washington’s views have helped form the basic principles of out current form of government. Consequently America moved in the direction towards forming a Democracy truly of the people rather a Monarchy like the one that we broke away from.

8:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In President George Washington’s Farewell Address he advises us to limit central government’s power. This was good advice because it informed the American people to limit the power of the Federal government. Washington’s position was difficult because he was the first president and the people of our new nation were accustom to this form of purely democratic government. Washington had the foresight to understand that since he was the first President his every move was going to be an historic one. Since we are use to a Democratic form of government people today would not need to be given this advice. Washington’s views have helped form the basic principles of out current form of government. Consequently America moved in the direction towards forming a Democracy truly of the people rather a Monarchy like the one that we broke away from.

8:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maddie Nieman

One piece of advice that Washington gave that i found interesting was to beware of political parties. Political parties can be an issue even in todays world. They can cause seperation among a united state. Washington did warn us against separtism which political parties can bring about. I think this is very good advice because when a nation becomes to involved with the political parties of our government rather than the issues in our country, problems will inevitably occur.

2:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

George Washington had written a farewell address to his people saying what he would like and wouldn’t like of the government. He says that the federal government should not get too much power because it can become too demanding. The states should be able to make some of their owns laws. This was good advice because if the central government had too much power the people might start to revolt. Also, this idea of limiting the central government helped to prevent states from being weak and having little voice in government. Limiting power of the central government helped in the future because the United States today is a well-organized and unified country.

7:52 PM  

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